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En LegacyHistoryPride, buscamos personas creativas que estén interesadas en modelar y seleccionar fotografías con nuestra indumentaria LegacyHistoryPride (LHP). Como influencer de LHP, tendrás la oportunidad de mostrarnos cómo puedes incorporar la ropa universitaria a tu estilo personal.

Si es seleccionado, se le dará la oportunidad de...
- Muestra tu talento en nuestras páginas de redes sociales.
- Crear contenido e imágenes que se mostrarán (con crédito) en nuestras plataformas de medios, incluido nuestro sitio web, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter y Email Blast.
- Recibir equipo gratis de LHP
- Recibir una entrevista que será publicada en nuestra página de blog.
Y vendrán más detalles cuando sea seleccionado....

¡Sigue a @by.mrlegacy en Instagram y haz clic en el enlace de su biografía para acceder a la aplicación!



7 Comentarios

  • How can I get those Fayetteville State University shorts?

    Terrence en
  • Quick question. Are y’all going to restock the HBCU shorts that came out in 2018? The basketball shorts? Thank you

    Shae en
  • Hello! My name is Victoria Rodrigues and I come from the great state of Virginia. My HBCU experience was one out of a movie that won all can relate to. I graduated in 11th grade and got the opportunity to go to college a year ahead of my peers. I later went on to attend Shaw University, where I cheered, participated in SGA, reigned as Miss Sophomore, Miss Kappa Alpha Psi, and Miss Homecoming. Let’s just say I did the damn thing! Shaw University is a private HBCU in the heart of Raleigh, North Carolina just a few miles away from the state run PWI North Carolina State University. I have experienced a vast accumulation of experiences at my HBCU, while discovering my own path, using the resources around me to make the best of my situation. Right now I have a platform called a @Eastroadsconnections (IG) where I connect people to concerts, festivals, food, art, and attractions specifically for black millennials on the East Coast. Right now with the coronavirus, my main focus is providing updates and news as the climate is changing from city to city, police awareness on current justice and justice matters, and supporting black businesses Have you ever traveled somewhere and wanted to be around your own kind of people and do what the local people do? That’s what I help you find through East Roads Connections. I hope through this brief synopsis of my past five years has given you an idea of the head strong individual that I am. Over one conversation, my personality and humor will speak for itself. I hope I have sparked your interest and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Stay safe!

    Victoria Rodrigues en
  • I’m interested, where’s the application??

    Rashon Barksdale en
  • Fashion is the key to the soul. You only live once, be fashionable while you can.

    Janei Dortilus en
  • My name is Bryan and I am a radio personality for ESPN sports talk radio here in Charlotte, NC. I am also responsible for some of the biggest celebrity driven charity events that are some throughout the year here in Charlotte. My mother graduated and retired from JCSU, I was always there as a kid and as an adult. I attended The Ohio State University. I would love to be part of the family. I love what you guys are doing over there.

    Bryan Beatty en
  • Greetings! My name is Herbert Seward III, I’m a podcaster, and a College Basketball Contributor for FanSided’s Busting Brackets platform. I would absolutely LOVE to be an influencer for your products. The writing and podcasting platforms I’m involved with have a love and heavy influence for HBCU culture. It would be awesome to be able to showcase your products on those platforms. Thanks again for your time, and this opportunity!

    Herbert L. Seward III en

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